Corrosion Technologies manufactures the most advanced and effective firearm cleaning and maintenance products on the market today.
As an example, CorrosionX® provides 3X the anti-wear produced of Mil Spec CLPs and nearly 2X the load carrying capacity. Plus, in every objective measure, CorrosionX products provide more corrosion protection than any other firearm lubricant. That's why we call it the 'Ultimate CLP'.
And now, Corrosion Technologies Bore Cleaner is available to the civilian market. Get powerful bore cleaning capacity with no smell.

Products for shooting sports
Ultimate CLP CorrosionX is the ultimate cleaner, lubricant and protectant for firearms of all kinds – now in packaging just for shooting sports!
Bore Cleaner mil spec quality gun bore cleaner and powder solvent
CorrosionX Original red label lubricates, penetrates, prevents corrosion and cleans powder fouling on the molecular label
CorrosionX Extended Duty (XD) Medium build corrosion preventive coating
CorrosionX Heavy Duty (HD) corrosion preventive coating
CorrosionX Grease a high-specification, high load bearing grease